
DynaTAC 英文介紹感謝 Spykee 幫我們翻譯,感恩

DynaTAC is a Taiwanese Indie-Electro band

Just want to be drunk and keep on dancing, DynaTAC, a Taiwanese Indie-Electro band, is always doing these things as casual in thier hometown Taipei's NTNU area. Just like the alcohol, DynaTAC's live is always making people twisted and dizzy into their wicked and sexy sound. Most Taiwanese comment DynaTAC is "Shit, this is heavy. Very very cool. Sounds like Depeche Mode going heavy punk rock noise like Nine Inch Nails, but more attitude. Sounds great!" And the local famous dance music blog DISCOATTACK said "Don't worry to get hurt. Just bring your drink into the dance floor to Die Not Tac with DynaTAC". DynaTAC is also the 1st moblie phone's mode in the world. That's the low-tech That's the Electro! No more "what kind of music", just drink and shake your head and butt! Here is the DynaTAC party!


Dynatac 是一票常在台北師大路(台灣)喝酒、跳舞、玩音樂、開店的朋友一起為了開心跳跳舞喝喝酒跟大家一起瘋瘋顛顛而組的 indie Electro 樂團,想要以現場表演的形式來創造出性感刺激的聲響體驗來讓聆聽者沉浸在跳舞昏眩的糜糜氣氛之中。

曾有朋友對我們說 Shit, this is heavy. Very very cool. Sounds like Depeche Mode going heavy punk rock noise like Nine Inch Nails, but more attitude. Sounds great! I 更有知名blog報導說看DynaTAC絕對不傷腦,只需要帶著滿滿酒意一起和他們Die Not Tac。


Dynatac = Die Not tech 更是世上第一台行動電話的型號,沒錯我們就是要Electro! Electro!! Electro!!!


