
made them sounds like a SOULWAX "lite" version!

轉載自Dance Rock Taipei金 小胖 所寫的文章,而且還有英文介紹ㄟ

【Review】20090410 DAAAAAANCE ROCK Vol.3 Drunk Rocker @ The Wall


Appreciate to those friends who came to drink and dance on 4/10 at The Wall, you're all awesome. There are not so much people as before(Steve Aoki nite of course), but I think this time is the party that really indie.

開場的DynaTAC氣勢超驚人,首次爆點出現在取樣Go Chic單曲Culture Supervisor時,本尊Vocal Ariel被Dizzy拉上台合唱,兩組在激音改造沒能大展全貌的單位合體,看了讓人超感動,而最後一段由團員芭比打真軍鼓擊的Jam橋段,我認真覺得有Soulwax的雛形。
Local Synth-Electro band DynaTAC started the nite with a really heavy punch and drop the bomb when sampling the local Digital-electro-rock band Go Chic's "Culture Supervisor", Dizzy -The vocal and sampler of DynaTAC-pull Go Chic's vocal Ariel up to the stage and sing live! And later another DynaTAC's member Barbie - (Synth-keyboard, Drum, Percussion) did a really drum-punch, made them sounds like a SOULWAX "lite" version!

日本Psy-Trance / Metal單位Skunkrice精準的舞台演出也讓人感受到高度專業,很難想像原來他們在台灣的其他演出幾乎都沒有做rehearal,當天下午他們花了將近兩小時調整到最佳的音場,隔天他們也告訴我,這是他們在台灣一個多禮拜,最開心的一個場次。
Our guest from Japan, the psytrance/metal band Skunkrice, keep the sound as Japanese hi-standard profession. They took almost 2 hours to make the best sound in the afternoon and it was unbelievable that they told me they hardly to do the rehearsal in the other show in Taiwan, just because they don't have enough time. And Skunkrice said this nite is the best and happiest event during this tour in Taiwan.

原本找來Hikky放歌,她告訴我希望能與從馬來西亞回來的好友Wendy一同登台,他們的品味一定是沒有問題的,而當晚的手法更讓人驚艷十足,是最近繼Bounce Girlz之後最令人期待的女生DJ雙人組。
The DJ time was started by my friend Hikky(a.k.a. Debra) and Wendy. At first it was only Hikky than she told me that Wendy will come back to Taipei from Malaysia(Wendy is from Malaysia) so they want to DJing together. In that nite, they had not only good taste but also surprised skill, another girls' DJ duo you must check just like Bounce Girlz!!!

Than was me and I was drunk...

Please check the party fotos from GRIP's blog, all the fotos are taken by RIK.

五月請大家繼續支持Bounce GirlzLowbrows台北公演,六月DRTP將會推出一周年雙周末派對,邀請到Steve Aoki力挺之亞洲Nu-Disco頂尖組合Clash The Disko Kids,以及東京超時尚派對單位Teenage Kicks旗下蒙面雙人DJ組Death Is Not My Aim來台,連續兩個周末back 2 back演出,希望能為DAAAAAANCE ROCK一周年再寫下里程碑。Artist雖然名字都很長,但相信你看過一次應該就不會忘記吧。
So, here comes the other parties: 5/2 Bounce Girlz will bring us the Japanese electro star LOWBROWS, Shinichi Osawa and 80KIDZ fans should not miss it!!!! Than DRTP will hold the Anniversary 2 weekends B2B party feat. Clash The Disko Kids from Singapore and Death Is Not My Aim from Japan. I'm sure you'll love these 2 teams when you meet them!

Finally, tks for all you guys and see you next night!

